Introducing our littles to our ladies
The day has come to introduce the littles to the ladies. I had some reservations because we had a new rooster among the pullets and I worries that Hei Hei and Nugget (our other roosters) would have a problem with him (Gandalf). We pulled the chicken tractor into the chicken run and listed the bottom up enough so that the littles could run in and out as they pleased in case they needed to escape any unwanted attention from the Ladies and roosters.
As anticipated, Gandalf was running scared for a few days until he had finally found his place in the pecking order. And amazingly, our little silkie (Sunshine), has been testing the waters with the ladies. It has been quite amusing watching them all run around and interact with each other.
Another odd obstacle we did not anticipate was that the littles have never been trained to enter or exit the chicken coop. So now we are back to wrangling chickens in the dark until they get trained up. We shall see how it all works out in the next few weeks.