Harvesting our sweet Potatoes

It’s nearing the end of summer and it is finally time to start harvesting our sweet potatoes. We started the sweet potato journey what felt like a little late in the game, but now it is finally time to harvest them!
The sweet potatoes started out as little slips of almost dead plant growth. They were extremely unimpressive and this was our first time growing sweet potatoes so we said… “let’s just give it a go”. It took the little, tired looking plants weeks to finally start looking like they were going to do something (at least up top). Then with all the summer heat and many thunderstorms we saw a boom of vine growth and pretty purple trumpet like flowers popping up here and there. Nearing our 100 day window for harvest we started to keep an eye out for the leaves to start yellowing.

Finally , the day had come and we started to dig out our potatoes by hand. We had some large sweet potatoes and some ridiculously long thin ones as well. After pulling then out of the ground we let them cure out of the ground for about 4 hours then proceeded to take them inside and from there they will rest for 10-14 days before being stored for later use! We are looking forward to some sweet potato mash!!!


Trying our hand at seed saving


One is the loneliest number