Spring has sprung, and chicks are here!

It’s the season for revival! We celebrate the end of the dark cold days of winter and greet spring with high expectation and colorful hope. Sure there are cloudy days spotted with rain, but with them comes blossoms and buds alike.
With warmer weather on the horizon, we can begin the process of growing chicks into broilers to fill our freezers for the future. Last year we got our chicks from tractor supply but we did not know the age of the chicks we bought. Because of this, we believe we let the chicks go a little longer than desired for the Cornish X Rock breed we used. This time we ordered our chicks from McMurray’s Hatchery and we picked up our chicks from the post office. We were full of worry and anticipation for the chicks arrival. Would they all make it? How does this process work? Will the post office actually call us to pick them up? How will they handle the drive home? How are they not too cold during this whole process?

Wonders never ceased, we got a phone call from the post office informing us that the chicks we had been anticipating have arrived, and that it was time for us to come pick them up. So we went to the post office and pick up our chicks and brought them home. All 26 of the chicks survived. We set them up with a honey/ACV water mixture and a regular water mixture along with some starter feed. We dipped each of their little beaks into the waterer so they knew were to go for water and they were off! Peeps abound in our little brooder. We can’t help but wonder what Cat Sajak has to say about all the ruckus.


Black gold


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