Winter: a time for rest

Cold winter sunshine

Glimmering frozen breezes

Beautiful peace

Winter is a season of rest, planning, and anticipation. Rest always seems to be overlooked nowadays. We rush here and there, trying to obtain things we deem necessary. We talk about how we are tired, never have enough time, are depressed or anxious, or both, and everyone is on edge or angry. All of this because we do not rest. Being still, in the quiet. Observing creation, and taking in cold deep breaths during the winter time makes me feel relaxed, centered, grounded, rejuvenated. Although we may be piddling around the homestead, we are not striving toward a goal in the winter. We rest and the land rests. All in anticipation of what’s to come.

Winter rest leads to sitting and planning our next steps in gardening, in animal husbandry, projects to be done in the house and around the property. With all this talking and planning, you can’t help but get excited about what is to come.


Checking in on the bees


An attempt at pickling eggs