Cute pests and a new babe

The new garden was thriving particularly well, until one day we noticed one of the baby bunnies was in our garden. As we were shooing it out of the garden we noticed that our newly placed garden fence was no match for the tiny bunny. It just slid its tiny body through the two in fencing without a problem. The next five days we proceeded to see our Brussels sprouts, radishes, zucchini, and broccoli all magically get disappeared. How very disappointing! Our only hope is if the plants take it as a sign to further their roots into the ground and decide that it’s worth the energy and effort to throw up more leaves.

On another note, we have a new addition to the homestead that joined us this past Mother’s Day morning! Welcome Liberty Scarlet to the craziness that is our Radical Homestead. She has been such a joyful and pleasant baby. We look forward to watching her grow up along with her big sister and brother.


We have Bees!


April Showers Brings May Flowers