Protecting some ladies from an inside threat

Over the past couple of months we have noticed a lot of out Plymouth barred rock hens have been losing feathers. After a decent amount of time observing, we have concluded that the resultant feather loss was due to rough mating behavior from our roosters (naughty boys!).

Our solution was to remove the afflicted ladies from the run and put them in our chicken tractor. Although the chicken tractor requires daily moving and is further away from the rest of the action, we would use this problem as an opportunity to fertilize our more sparsely seeded areas in the front yard. While these ladies are on their vacation from the roosters, they get a daily fresh dose of all you can eat bugs and greens in exchange for their tilling and fertilization efforts.

Once completely healed, the ladies will be slowly reintroduced to the run and the rest of the flock. Unfortunately, the pecking order will have to be rearranged once again when they get reintroduced.


And so it begins


Enjoying the fruits of our labor