Bee update

After checking in on the bees and finding we lost one hive over winter, we went ahead and order some more nucs from a local apiary. Instead of getting a regular nuc, we decided to get nucs that have been overwintered to ensure success at least through the summer. We were fortunate enough to get them delivered and when Klint opened them up, they were MAD. So it took about two to three days to get them fully set up in their new hives.

Fast forward a few weeks later the three hives are completely full of bees and honey production is under way. There is so much honey production that when Klint went to open a hive for inspection it broke some of the comb and honey started spilling out. Sounds like a good problem! This is all super exciting but also stressful since we are still new at this.. Thankfully, Klint has a mentor who is willing and available to answer all our questions.


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The cat is out